Must be a live voice discussion , livestreamed or recorded
@strutheo I talked with Destiny on stream about Capital Gains taxes and Estate tax loopholes, only lasted for 5 minutes but it led to him reading about the topic for the next couple hours iirc. It can resolve YES if my say-so is enough but It was a while ago and I'm too lazy to dig up the vod. I got on stream by calling him stupid or something like that in chat lol
No he just talked to Adrian Dittmann, who sounds like Elon but isn't really him.
See also:
@Agh I mean, isn't "No" a bit of an overstatement? The "Dittmann = Musk" market is currently 26%. At best, I feel that warrants "Most likely not, but still very possibly yes".
Must be a live voice discussion , livestreamed or recorded
your criteria say it resolves when it actually happens so this seems premature, then?
looks like Hanania says he's on in 15 minutes so I'll just cancel the report
on MC markets like this it's not good to add things after/as they happen and bet them up though - if it's announced and you can add it before it happens that's fair, but I don't think it's good to add, bet, resolve immediately on things that already occurred.