For each option here, if the person dies by EOY 2025, a poll will be made and the answer here will resolve accordingly: " 'Should X go to Heaven, Hell, or Unsure/Neither/Purgatory"
Worthiness is to be determined by good/badness as a person in life, not by any religious technicalities (There are no disqualifications for reasons like 'They can't go to heaven because they aren't Christian')
If the person dies AND their poll closes 'Heaven' their option will resolve YES.
If the person does not die by EOY 2025 their option will resolve NO.
If the person dies, but their vote ends in Unsure/Neither/Purgatory, their option resolves NO.
An edgelord, a pretentious douchebag, and a strong advocate for workers rights who happened to be right about everything. RIP to a legend
Edit: in hindsight producing Buyer's Market is kinda disqualifying.
@BlueDragon oh you must be pretty confident then haha. ill make it now , i can afford it today! https://manifold.markets/strutheo/do-you-think-iris-apfel-deserves-to
Bob moore died 😢
founder of red mill foods + other philanthropy
added + poll is out

another for kelvin kiptum (YES = heaven NO = hell) https://manifold.markets/strutheo/do-you-think-kelvin-kiptum-deserves#szxpanufen
@Lion heres the problem - do i wait untill 2025 to make 100 polls, or do i do them one at a time and have people manipulating the markets 🤔
@strutheo 1. I ❤ manipulating markets. 2. I think a few polls here and there would advertise and drive engagement for this market. 3. I don't think anyone will answer 100 polls in a row.
@Lion really wish i could close only that option... maybe i can temporarily close the whole market? or is that too disruptive to do over and over
@strutheo I think it'd be okay as well. It's not like it'll be closed every day as long as nobody daily submits a Z-celebrity. (I don't mean Suzuki with this.)