Resolves YES if their submersible descends and resurfaces without injury or death to any passenger within. Small injuries such as tripping on the way in/out, or a crew member bumping their head, will not count as judged by me.
A year on from the Titan submersible disaster, the OceanGate co-founder is organising a trip to one of the world’s deepest underwater sinkholes.Guillermo Söhnlein, 58, co-founded OceanGate in 2009 with Stockton Rush, who died in last year’s submersible implosion at the age of 61.After leaving the company in 2013, Mr Söhnlein co-founded another underwater exploration company, Blue Marble Exploration, and it has set its sights on a 663-feet previously unexplored sinkhole.Located in the Bahamas, Dean’s Blue Hole is described by the company as “being virtually explored” and anyone joining the first manned submersible dive to the site is encouraged to “expect the unexpected”.Blue Marble Exploration’s website says: “Locals believe that Dean’s is a portal to hell and the Devil himself lurks in the black depths.“Each year, several people drown in Dean’s due to a variety of misfortunes. We fully expect to find human remains and prepare to handle those situations with proper respect for the families.”