@strutheo Angle shot: Trump signed an executive order declaring that everybody is female, by technicality of using the word "conception". Resolves YES? π

@Quroe You're unfortunately disinformed. The idea that you start off female and later become male is a misconception, lol. In actuality you simply haven't differentiated your anatomy yet, claiming it's therefore temporarily one sex or the other doesn't make sense. Also, anatomy doesn't determine sex, gametes do. Definitionally, the sex that produces small gametes is male, and large ones, female. The gametes a human is to produce is determined by their chromosomes, with the absence of a Y chromosome indicating female, and the existence of one, male. In rare cases chromosomes may be damaged and therefore the SRY region or DBX region don't function as expected, leading to a male without a Y chromosome or a female with one, although these don't change the underlying reality that the gametes still determine their sex
@PeterNjeim Ah, I see. I am personally of the opinion that this conversation has no bearing on how this market should resolve. This is just a silly foray into the weeds of debating for debating's sake to see what comes of it. That being said, perhaps I was off the mark with my initial comment, and I'm willing to recalibrate.
I find the back and forth between these two videos informative. An argument, then a counterpoint. The only thing I would want to add on to Paradox Institute's response is, "who decides which gamete your body is geared to produce? It seems to require a human arbiter to put you in one bucket or the other.".
If you actually do end up watching these videos and you wish to continue the conversation, what are your thoughts? Would you recommended me any good science communicators on the subject before going down the research paper rabbit hole?
Science Proves There are More than Two Human Sexes, by Scishow, 13:39 long
Are There More Than Two Human Sexes? (A Response to SciShow), by Paradox Institute, 7:34 long
@Quroe to respond briefly to your question, chromosomes decide which gamete your body is to produce, as has been observed billions of times on Earth. The chemical processes are well understood. While in a literal sense a human has to create the terminology and field of study that categorizes strands of DNA as "X" and "Y", that doesn't change the fact that evolution really has created these two distinct types of chromosomes.
And briefly for the "sex is a spectrum" claim, sex is definitionally quantized (anisogamy). Reading the lede (first four paragraphs) for the Sex article on Wikipedia will help, as well as the article on XY sex-determination system.
Also I think this discussion is besides the point, the original claim I was responding to was the idea that humans "start off" as female, an idea I heard of in the past. Just wanted to settle that point, not get into the weeds of everything to do with sex. Thanks for your response though