@Sodra to be specific it was declined not rejected. Here is how they define it. And it was in June 2021.
"The proposal is declined, because one or more of the selection factors was not satisfactory. For example, the expected usage was not shown to be sufficiently high. Emoji that have been Declined are not eligible to be re-reviewed for two years."
Origami emoji was declined by Unicode in the past but it has been long enough so it is able to be submitted again
@oh good question.. like PAPER + <SOMETHING> = ORIGAMI? I'd allow that as long as it is just two being combined. and i'll judge if its more.
@strutheo does it have to be recommended by Unicode? How many companies have to display it or include it on their menus/keyboard?
@oh has to be approved by unicode and in their latest released official version . even if it isnt on all platforms it can count if it appears in an official release page on emojipedia
example- https://emojipedia.org/emoji-15.1
Emoji committee policy is to avoid adding new code points, so ZWJ sequence is by far the most likely route (if it happens).
I'd allow that as long as it is just two being combined. and i'll judge if its more.
I would suggest allowing any number. There's no meaningful difference between two being combined vs three or more.