The score is from 0 to 10. Russia's score in 2021 was 3.24.
If the Democracy report is not published that year, or Russia doesn't exist anymore, I will resolve ambiguous.
This question is meant to be analogous to this question, except for one detail: if Vladimir Putin is in power by the start of 2026, I will resolve ambiguous.
I will judge if Vladimir Putin is in power. He doesn't have to keep his presidential post for that - even if the position of head of Russia is renamed, or he takes a lesser but still significant post, or if there is wide consensus that he governs Russia by controlling a figurehead, instead of having an official position himself. I will judge that Vladimir Putin is not in power if he has no significant influence on Russian politics.
If not in power he is getting couped, dying, or nominating a successor, so I'm betting low.