Resolves YES if an article appears in Vox alleging a scandal or significant malfeasance at Centre for Effective Altruism before end of 2026. This is independent of whether I believe the content of the article to be valid. Else resolves NO.
See also: https://manifold.markets/Amaryllis/will-nyt-write-an-article-about-a-s-aaa3f2ff5c16
@AlQuinn If you distrust Vox, perhaps you trust NYT more, or perhaps you would be willing to trust me to be fair?
Do you have suggestions for additional oracles?
- https://manifold.markets/Amaryllis/will-nyt-write-an-article-about-a-s-aaa3f2ff5c16
- https://manifold.markets/Amaryllis/will-i-think-that-cea-has-done-a-si
Doesn't qualify, but mentions CEA https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2023/2/15/23601143/effective-altruism-sexual-harassment-misconduct