Resolves YES if, in the best judgement of me or people I trust, Centre for Effective Altruism has committed a significant malfeasance before end of 2026. Else resolves NO.
See also:
@NathanpmYoung If it comes to light that they have already committed significant malfeasance some time since their founding in 2012, I will resolve YES.
For example, if, before end of 2026, we have significant evidence that they were closely involved in the FTX collapse, I will resolve YES.
@harfe I do not consider the purchase of Wytham Abbey to be "significant malfeasance". I am thinking more of things like purposeful accounting fraud. (But this market is very much subjective, and I fully understand if people are reluctant to bet on it.)
I have edited the description to include links to markets with less subjective metrics.