Deltarune Chapter 4 Dark World location?
220Ṁ905Jul 1
Church (including Cemetery)
Flower King
Chapter 4 does not have a dark world
If Chapter 4 has two dark worlds then I guess it'll resolve 50-50.
This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
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I claim we have two independent pieces of reasonably compelling evidence in favor of Church:
1) Rudy mentions he'll probably be well enough to go to church tomorrow during Chapter 2; Chapter 3 takes place during the night, so Chapter 4 would occur the next day. Thus, it would make a lot of sense if Rudy's dialogue is meant to foreshadow / setup his presence in Chapter 4.
2) If the chess motif continues, this suggests that Chapter 3 would have an antagonist named "Rook", and Chapter 4 would have an antagonist named "Bishop". Obviously it would make sense for an antagonist named "Bishop" to be in a church.
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