@April * every time you launch the game ; you're dark fountains open ... ; for you see the characters themselves as the toys,
@Tetraspace hmmm
like on paper i can totally see it but i just like. i don't think that's what toby is doing with ralsei. i have no idea what toby is doing with ralsei, he sure is doing something, all the concrete counterarguments i try to nail down seem to fall flat, maybe i really shouldn't be dismissing it, but it just feels wrong
@VictorLevoso i thought that was asriel
anyways im coming around the the opinion that ralsei is actually a lot closer to simply being what he appears than one might think
"the grand fountain has extra determination (maybe due to gaster), and thus ralsei has determination unlike most darkners" seems almost plausible, but on the other hand it really does not seem like ralsei has "the power to change fate" in the way that susie, the player, kris, and probably noelle eventually do