Will I be able to achieve Jhana by 2027?
As described here: https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/nick-cammarata-on-jhana
I meditate regularly but have only been doing so for ~ a year. I would like to spend time and effort trying to achieve Jhana if research continues to indicate it is a real thing.
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Lol I'm way more optimistic than you on timelines. How is it going?
I still haven't read the ACX post, but the book Right Concentration by Leigh Brasington (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25241895-right-concentration), was very helpful for me. I also have friends that have sat on retreats with him (http://leighb.com/meditate.htm) and were able to eventually get to at least 1st jhana briefly
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