It doesn't have to be all cars or all modes, but it should be at least one mode that you can get into where during that mode, tesla has liability, and you don't have to self-drive. It has to be SAE level 3 also.
It has to be usable on most roads in at least one US state, 24h/day, and can drive on most highways and normal roads. It doesn't have to be door to door, but at least 90% of the way (by mileage) from say downtown San Mateo to downtown SF has to be able to be in this mode.
EDIT: for weather conditions, it should be able to do it in weather which is not the worst 10% of weather. i.e. For SF, it has to work in normal rain but we can exclude heavy rain, snow, high fog. This varies by state - so in a state we are evaluating, we look roughly at what the worst state-wide weather is, and exclude roughly the worst 10% by time. That is the time it must work within to qualify.