Any event that gets widespread coverage outside of the EA community and significantly damages or has the reasonable potential to damage EA's reputation in general society.
Mostly ingroup members here, but still...
@IsaacKing interesting thread, you may wanna read
as of when I posted this, we see 2.5k likes and ~810k views on the tweet
@firstuserhere Was just going through Andrerj Karpathy's twitter and saw his recent likes (https://twitter.com/karpathy/likes)

@firstuserhere The market description says "in general society", not "among Silicon Valley techbros". May I remind you... https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2023/8/18/23836362/ai-slow-down-poll-regulation#:~:text=A%20whopping%2072%20percent%20of,think%20tank%20AI%20Policy%20Institute.
@Simon74fe I saw some reports of the remaining board members specifically denying any connections to EA. Anyone has a source?
@IsaacKing The OpenAI board publicly shunning EA when they were known EAs for very long time is relevant
@IsaacKing True. But sentiment on Twitter post-firing seems to also be turning against EA as a movement. Just search for EA and read some tweets
There will be a reputational crisis (or multiple ones) because Effective Altruism is a flawed philosophy. Its logical conclusions lead to taking the sort of actions that have already been taken in the movement's name, so of course the movement will continue to have crises. The main reason I see this market resolving no is that the movement might be so discredited that it ceases to exist before it has another crisis.
@SteveSokolowski Literally every movement ever with an (at least partly) philosophical basis has been based on flawed philosophy, because the unflawed moral philosophy is yet to be invented.
@DavidMathers That may be true, but the literal conclusions that are drawn from following through with the philosophy are that what happens to people alive today doesn't really matter. Not stealing $7 million from me, and directly ruining the lives of my 17 family members, employees, and neighbors, would theoretically be contrary to the philosophy. And that's abhorrent and not in line with what most people consider a good reputation.
@DavidMathers And, by the way, not only is EA abhorrent, it's not even "effective." I had a will giving the $7 million to AI charities when I die, and their own actions hindered their own movement because the money simply doesn't exist anymore.
@ErwinRossen Depends on how widespread the youtuber's thing is. It needs to have people seriously concerned.