For the purpose of the market not only declaration of war would count, but also any territorial intervention, attacks on sovereignty (for example, sponsoring a coup attempt), repeated attacks on military on the territory of third countries.
3 independent media from 3 different European countries have to report an event for a YES resolution.
Terrorist attacks and paid rallies do not count.
@mods Market Creator no longer exists, so I am attempting to ask the mods for how they will resolve this in the future.
Would you all interpret the Market Creator's intent to include only events where Canada instigates the conflict? Do they have to be the one that starts it for it to count as YES, all else NO? (Let's call this the antagonism interpretation.)
Or would the US declaring war on Canada first and then Canada responding in kind also count for a YES? Both instigating and responding count as YES? (Let's call this the reactive interpretation.)
What about if Canada does not declare war after the US does it first? Would not fighting back at all count for a YES? (Let's call this the involvement interpretation.)
If asking mods for clarification in this circumstance is not a welcomed use of the mod ping, please advise.
@Quroe I would like to help but the site guidelines don't seem to include a provision for this situation. The guidelines about a moderator taking over the market require at least 40 traders. I feel like this is a glaring hole but I don't want to write anything on the subject of the market because it would not be authoritative.
@Eliza I would suggest, just use your best judgement and include your reasoning in the comments. It would help in the future if it ever gets cleaned up.
OR, even better, copy the market, make your own version with your own rules, and post it here. Then stop betting on this one.