Those of you familiar with the 2020 video game “Cyberpunk 2077” will understand what I’m asking here—will society have progressed to the point that (minor) cybernetic body modifications have become publicly acceptable/not very notable and their use is visually obvious in public? (I.e. the mods need to not be so completely realistic/organic looking that it is difficult to tell at a glance if someone has one.)
The level of mods does not need to go anywhere near what the protagonist in CP2077 installs, but it must be significantly more futuristic than anything currently extant—very likely nothing invented before 2027 will count for this market.
(Obviously, technologies that are physically impossible/absurd need not be invented for this to satisfy “yes”—a simple one might be the surgical attachment of a second thumb to allow for six fingers on each hand, or something.)
The mods can be organic iff they do not look “natural” to humans (e.g. scales, feathers, unusual number of functional appendages, etc.)
How will this market resolve if:
The mods are widespread and publicly visible on an earlier date (say 2050), but they've been further developed to blend in well and they're no longer obvious in 2077?
If the modification is cognitive and not obvious in a photo, but it's apparent by someone's behavior that they're modified (for example, they regularly take long pauses in speech while communicating electronically)