The market resolves to “Yes” if Donald Trump either passes away or becomes so ill that he is officially unable to continue in his role, leading to someone else taking over his responsibilities.
I won’t be betting on this market.
US life tables: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr72/nvsr72-12.pdf. Pres. Trump is a 78 year old non-hispanic white man: my calculations (and note that I am definitely not an actuary and might have made mistakes) based on table 17 suggest his probability of dying within the next five years is about 29%. I would guess he is in better-than-average health.
@Quroe the market closes when trump is replaced or by the end of his term - i updated the end date now
Would this 6-minute CGP Grey video convince you to hold off on resolving this market for some amount of time after Trump leaves office to confirm if it was for health reasons?
Also, what is the definition of "illness" we're playing by here? --Just to make sure we're all in agreement.
@Quroe thank you for sharing the video, i will watch the video later. i think your second question is covered by the description.
so ill that he is officially unable to continue in his role, leading to someone else taking over his responsibilities.
@Quroe i watched the video very interesting, if I understand correctly you are implying Trump could fake sickness to pass on the torch to Vance (and not one of his actual family members), is this correct?
@Quroe makes sense but no this wouldn’t matter for the market (check my previous comment which explains why)
so ill that he is officially unable to continue in his role, leading to someone else taking over his responsibilities.