Background Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946, making him 77 years old. He is currently the oldest major party nominee for president in U.S. history. According to CDC data, the average life expectancy for a 77-year-old American male is approximately 9.4 additional years.
Resolution Criteria This market will resolve based on the year of Donald Trump's death as reported by multiple reputable news sources. If Trump dies during a particular year listed in the options, that option will resolve to YES and all others to NO.
The market will resolve N/A if:
Trump's death cannot be verified by multiple reputable sources
The exact date of death cannot be determined
The death occurs under disputed circumstances where the date is unclear
Trump has access to high-quality medical care and resources which may extend life expectancy beyond population averages
His father, Fred Trump, lived to be 93 years old, suggesting possible genetic factors for longevity
As a former president, he receives lifetime medical care from military physicians
Stress factors from legal proceedings and potential political activities could impact health outcomes
Medical privacy laws may affect the timing and details of death announcements
Note: This market deals with the death of a public figure. Traders should approach the topic with appropriate sensitivity and respect.