US Real (Inflation-adjusted) GDP has increased at an average rate of 3.2% per year since 1929. But some people are talking about AI dramatically accelerating GDP growth.
This resolves Yes if the Real GDP for Q4 2025 is at least 15.7625% higher than Q4 2022 (an annualized rate of 5%), according to this chart:
The median Federal Reserve economic projection is currently 0.4% real GDP growth for 2023, 1.2% for 2024, and 1.9% for 2025.
And 5% average Real Growth over a 3 year period has not happened since 1984:

May 2, 6:42pm: Will US Real GDP Growth rate average at least 5% for 2023-2025? → Will US Real GDP accelerate dramatically over 2023-2025?