Last close: 2025-Mar-05 $235.74 (week's range $229.23-$244.03)
(will try to update meaningful moves after Nasdaq close, but don't count on it)
Each answer resolves after the first full week (regular trading hours Monday 9:30am to Friday 4pm ET) after its creation date (included in answer), during which the stock price stays the whole week above that answer (YES) or below it (NO). In other words, the first time one of these is the case after Friday's close:
Resolves YES if AAPL weekly low > [answer]
Resolves NO if AAPL weekly high < [answer]
Reference is publicly-quoted weekly high/low prices. If for whatever reason the market is closed for 2 or more days during a week, that week won't count for resolution. I will add new answers, edit existing ones to adjust for splits, and extend closing date as needed.