Last price: 2025-Feb-28 $241.84
(will try to update every Friday after Nasdaq close)
Resolves YES if AAPL trades >= $500 without having first traded <= $50
Resolves NO if AAPL trades <= $50 without having first traded >= $500
during any regular (9:30am-4pm ET) or half-day (1pm early close around some US holidays) Nasdaq trading session after market creation (2023-Feb-12).
Will extend closing date as needed. Reference is publicly-quoted intraday high/low, adjusted for any future stock splits. For example, if it splits 5:1 at $200 then quoted prices next day would be $40 post-split, but would not resolve NO since reference price for this market would be adjusted x5. Alternatively, I could update the title and resolution criteria to use the post-split prices corresponding to the current $50-500 range, so would change to $10-100 in the 5:1 example (I'd appreciate trader opinions shared in comments regarding these two alternatives).