This question resolves Yes if, on December 31, 2025, it is no longer possible to purchase a new electric vehicle (EV) and receive a $7,500 federal tax credit or to purchase a used EV and to receive a $4,00 federal tax credit. If either of those credits is available to some buyers in the US on that date, this question resolves No. If the EV tax credits are substantially reformulated or there are serious ambiguities, I'll try to resolve them in the comments. If that discussion leads to no clear resolution, I'll resolve N/A.
Updating slightly downward because if the EV credit is repealed, there's a decent chance it won't take effect until January 2026 (the next tax year). Roughly half of the Inflation Reduction Act's tax credit changes took effect immediately, while the other half took effect in January 1 of the next year.
No new info as far as I can tell, but for reference: "Trump's transition team aims to kill Biden EV tax credit"