In light of increasing interstate conflicts in the 2020s, many European countries may reconsider their stance on conscription. Partial conscription, as seen in Sweden, could become more common across Europe. This market is based on official changes to conscription policy and laws, not necessarily on conscription being implemented on the ground. Therefore, as long as it is officially established, it counts.
Made a 2027 version of this market in case you are interested /Odoacre/which-countries-in-europe-will-swit
Germany looks to Scandinavia for new conscription model
@DrEthan For the purposes of this poll, registration for a potential draft such as in the US Selective Service does not count.
@soweliSon well the poll is also limited to Europe, I just think it's funny that Statista doesn't include the US
Kosovar Center for Security Studies (KCSS). "Is a compulsory military service feasible for Kosovo?" by Gramos Sejdiu. May 2023. https://qkss.org/images/uploads/files/Security_Brief_-_Mozi_4X_FINAL.pdf
@RanaG I have a particular colour scheme and text in mind. Don't worry, I'll add every country in Europe eventually....
@SaviorofPlant It seems like Latvia already established conscription on January 1st, 2024. Therefore, I am resolving it as N/A.