📋GUIDELINES (incomplete)
I reserve the right to NA any answer for any reason, to combat duplicates or abuse.
All resolutions require proof posted as a comment for me to resolve.
Make your answer submissions as clear and descriptive as possible. I reserve the right to rephrase answers as needed.
Please keep self-referential answers like 'will this market reach X answers' to a minimum, although I might personally add a few
🔎Specific Rules
Crypto and Stock prices will be determined by Google
Celebrity status is determined by Manifold if I think it is unclear. At the end of the month, a poll will be run to determine the resolution of those questions.
upgraded to basic
Aww, this has been N/A'd.
I'm so petty that when the wave of paperclips is reaching me, my last thought is guaranteed to be "I told you so, @strutheo " 😛
@BrunoParga just because i dont want to take up one of 100 slots with 0% for 4 years </3
i'd leave it otherwise!
@BrunoParga lol you have my permission to curse my name in your final moments, and i will feel very embarrassed if it happens
@strutheo I'm actually confused about that - does it work? Like, does N/Aing a question free up its slot?
@BrunoParga yes , after the january market broke the site, they made it so it is only 100 active questions for each MC market. so now there is another spot to add a question here
first event has happened: neuralink trial
In the hospital for a 'benign prostate condition'
@TimothyJohnson5c16 good question - if a situation like korea arises i might poll manifold if they think the war is still going or not, since that is a bit of a technicality.