Who will win the CoolFold 30 Challenge? (see info)
Info and Questions: https://manifold.markets/dashboard/the-coolfold-30-challenge
This market is for betting on individuals competing in the CoolFold 30 Challenge.
The CoolFold 30 Challenge highlights 30 thought provoking and unconventional questions on Manifold. This market will resolve when all 30 questions have closed, estimated to be around 2030.
The winner of the CoolFold 30 Challenge will be the person(s) with the highest profit among those 30 questions. Ties are allowed. All bets must be made from the same account to be considered.
Thank you for participating, see you in a few years!
This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
1,000 to start trading!
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@Tumbles nothing as long as its changed in time. i'll be trying to resolve these questions as soon as they become clear in order to speed along the process
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