@Kraalnaxx I have no clue why the sudden spike. but she ran for president in 2020, she joined the Republican party, and RFK Jr. and others have talked about her as a future presidential candidate, so I think she probably plans to run again at some point.
@vibhav once someone is the nominee, they're rarely given a second chance if they lose. Trump is the exception here, but see Clinton, Romney, McCain, Kerry, Gore, Bush, Dukakis, Mondale, Carter, etc. Nixon was the last exception, but there's a strong prior in both parties for not bringing back a losing candidate.
@PlasmaBallin Ah, thank you. I was missing the distinction between "natural-born" and "naturalized".
@PlasmaBallin Cenk Uygur "ran" in 2024 despite being born in Turkey and is at 34% here.
Not sure the resolution criteria
@ChinmayTheMathGuy Good point, I guess you technically don't have to eligible to become president in order to run